Deal Maker TGSE Training

For  M&A Specialists

Turnaround, Growth & Scale to Exit

How to rapidly grow your M&A Business

The biggest challenge for those entering or building a Mergers & Acquisitions business model, is NOT (as many people think) the sourcing of potential deals as, the real challenge is in how to put the 'right proposition forward' so as to convert a conversation with a business owner 'into' a 'win-win' deal that works for both parties...

You are not alone in this struggle to buy and build a portfolio of businesses, the number one question M&A professionals ask me is

How do I get the deal across the line...

The answer to this conundrum is only discovered once you understand what business owner's real motivational drivers are and how to explain in an elegant way the realities of the challenges faced by a buyer and seller of businesses.

The main problem is that most business owners ...
  • Think their business is worth a lot more than a buyer will ever pay
  • Think their business is saleable as it is, even though it's 100% dependant on them being in it!!
  • Think buyers will pay them all the money on the day of completion
  • Think traditional business brokers are the solution

The truth is, the vast majority of SME businesses are 'zombie' businesses i.e. their turnover and profit has been stagnate for years, they do not have robust financials, processes or the right people in the right places to make them a valuable proposition.

While these business owners are highly knowledgable of their subject, they often have little or no idea about 'how' to grow a business at scale or package their business to sell at a valuation they really want...

Now add into the mix that most corporate M&A people, and business advisors simply do not have the 'real world' knowledge, skills and connections these business owners need and want; and you can start to see why so many deals never get across the line.

If you're to succeed in building a successful M&A business..

You're going to have to learn how to enlighten a business owner as to how it 'really works', and in a way that gains trust because they can see that you are an honourable person who is 'not' simply low balling them with some form of pitch.

The next step is in being able to elegantly frame a proposition that a business owner can see is a genuine solution to achieving what it is that they want to achieve.

If you are to become a true professional in the M&A arena you're going to have to develop exceptional communication, presentation and negotiation skills in order to create the rapport needed to address the difficult subjects that many business owner struggle to comprehend, are are as a consequence the impediments to gaining an agreement and a deal completed.

A proven Fomula

I've developed a proven methodology for building businesses at scale to an exit, and winning the confidence of business owners by putting together propositions that are truly a win-win for all parties.

If you want to take your knowledge, skills and success to a whole new level,

 I invite you to join me on the next 'Deal Maker' and TGSE specialist training.



I had quite good deal flow and was building great rapport with sellers but was not able to negotiate terms to secure the business and so couldn’t understand where I was going wrong.

It wasn’t necessarily the deal structure that was the issue but more about how I was presenting the deal to the seller and my lack of understanding of exactly what the seller wants. 

John Kettley was mentoring me following the H/C course and it was through his mentorship, guidance and real life examples that I was able to better understand how to find out what the seller really wants and how to present the offer to them in a way that highly increases the chances of acceptance by pre-framing my offering and reverse engineering the outcome they want. This resulted in securing my first deal through a JV with John.


Kevin Cassidy

A fresh start...

Chances are, you've already spent a small fortune in time, energy and money, gaining knowledge of 'deal structures',

BUT you still haven't quite locked down the formula for 'getting deals across the line' in a timely way, without multiple meetings and conversations...

I suspect this because you haven't learned 'how to frame your proposition' in the right way in the 'face-to-face' conversation to be able to 'agree the deal' in a timely and elegant way...

To achieve the goal of effortlessly creating a win-win scenario we need to be able to elegantly walk a business owner through exactly what needs to be done to achieve the valuation they want i.e. the process we run to make a business saleable and of higher value to an acquirer

Turn a company around, Grow it at Scale to an Exit. 

The methods I teach have been developed at the sharp end of the real-world business; what you will learn from me within this mentored 'workshop style' training, are the skills and strategies you need to achieve the goal of negotiating the right deal and the how to turn that company into a revenue generating high-value saleable business...





A Proven Business Model...

After decades of building businesses to sale and mentoring business owners on how to Turnaround, Grow Scale and Exit their business, I've developed a methodology and real world strategies that you simply will not find in textbooks because they've been gained from real world experiences, which of course is why they work.

Together with my team of mentors over 2 x full days of personal mentored training, we'll teach you a pragmatic proven formula that works in any SME business sector.

You'll learn

  • The right business model for 'you' personally (and gain absolute clarity of what to do next) 
  • How to set up your digital presence correctly set up for success
  • How to elegantly qualify exactly what a business owner 'really wants'...
  • How to present a compelling proposition that works for both parties
  • How to negotiate and agree a deal quickly using the 4 x Q&A method

We'll then teach you

  • Our unique business turnaround & scale to exit process
  • How to use the Business Canvas to quickly understand how a business is wired up
  • The Business, Financial, Marketing & Sales playbooks to tighten the model
  • Strategies that rapidly generate income fast
  • How to leverage your time via the formation of an exit focused peer group 

You'll also receive 4 x unique bonuses

  1. Two x 1-2-1 personal Q&A zoom sessions to solidify your learnings and help you accelerate your business.
  2. Free access to the online 'Close More Deals' training course.
  3. A substantial discount to attend the full training again in the future (Some delegates have attended multiple times to further develop their negotiation skills)
  4. 12 months membership Consortiat, The association of M&A specialists, (Members of Consortiat each have a personal profile landing page) 

To learn more about this opportunity please contact me direct [email protected]

To ensure all delegates receive maximum value, Limited seats available on each 2-day training, with this in mind I recommend that you secure your place on the next Dealmaker training 'today' via the booking form below.

Finance option available

Just 10 x monthly payments of £300pm

e-mail [email protected] 


Learn how to become a true deal maker

12/13 September


14/15 November 


Meet Your Trainer

John Kettley is a serial entrepreneur with over 4 decades experience of building businesses to an exit event.

Since 2009 John has mentored and trained thousands of business people with the methods he used to build multiple 7 figure businesses.

John is also the founder of the Sales Master’s Guild one of the only entrepreneur training organizations in the UK to have a solid focus on the psychology of success as well as the tactical business strategies that manifest a wealth creating business that works for the business owner.

An expert negotiator and deal maker John has brokered deals all around the world across multiple sectors to SME’s, multi-national corporations, and government departments. He teaches advanced negotiation techniques and sales strategies that result in fast revenue growth.

A fantastic learning experience!!

"Thank you for the quality learning experience during the Deal Maker & TGSE training.

I felt there was a fantastic balance between theory and practice, I really enjoyed the interactive element to it and gained massive value from the follow-up Q&A sessions".

Gerry Hogan

Dublin, Ireland

You can't climb Everest alone!

And this is where John is exceptional. If you want rapid success then it helps to have an accountability 'mentor'.

John has helped me redefine my own version of success and move rapidly toward building the results I desired. They say "nothing happens until a sale takes place" and if you want more sales... John can help you develop those skills. Most business challenges can be solved if you're generating sales and John is a genuine expert in helping people do just that.

Take a few minutes to see what he could do for you. You won't be disappointed.

Simon Kramer

Effective Accountants

The missing piece of the jigsaw

"Many thanks for an exceptional & hugely educational few days, the knowledge you passed to myself and our wider group has equipped us to be able to face anyone with confidence and belief in our ability to negotiate and close a deal."

"Your course is structured to fill in the gaps I had when finishing the M&A course I did this year, elevating my belief in my own ability to be successful, Thank you".

Nick Austin Hall

London, England

To Join  -

Click on the date You Want to Attend Below:

12/13 September


14/15 November


John knows how to get results and has helped me successfully navigate two recent negotiations, with multi-million pound F&B businesses.

Reaching win-win with a business owner can be challenging, but one of the F&B business owners was so delighted, he wanted to shake hands on the deal not once, but three times as we left having done the deal!

John is extremely generous with sharing his knowledge and always offers clear and practical advice for implementing into your own negotiations. .


Gavin Gibbons