John F Kettley

Private Equity Investor


Selling a business is not as easy as most think!!


If you're to achieve your ultimate goal of building a highly saleable business that can be sold for the highest possible number: The most efficient and productive way to achieve that goal, is to work with someone who has genuinely done this many times, and who has the knowledge experience and connections to achieve this in the quickest and most efficient time frame.

If you're now contemplating selling your business, I can help you in one of the following 2 ways 

  • As an outright buyer of your company - if it fits well into one of our groups of companies
  • As an investor - Working with you to build to the exit you want to achieve

If I'm not the right fit, chances are I know someone who will be, which is why it's always worth a conversation..


"Success is only obtained when we have visceral clarity of what it is we 'desire' the outcome to be"


There comes a time... 


In every business owners journey, when we take stock of exactly 'where we are in our business life', and from this moment we begin thinking about 'when' and 'how' we are going to exit the business we've spent so many years building.

Having sold many of my own businesses over the years, I've been through the process enough times to know it's not as easy as most believe, especially if the business has been relatively level in its revenue and profit trajectory for the last 3-5 years!!

If you're to maximise your business asset, and lay the right foundations to maximise the value of your business to a potential acquirer, it's time to think about speaking to someone  who has genuinely been where you want to go..

I am a genuine potential buyer of your business and can complete in as little as 6-weeks if it fits with our one of our portfolio of businesses, if on the other hand your business is either not currently sale ready, or not at a valuation you want to achieve, I or one of my team can work with you to put in place those missing pieces of the jigsaw to increase the valuation over a shorter period of time than you can typically achieve on your own.


Take the first step by

contacting me today

[email protected]